flag Uruguay Uruguay: Statistical Overview

Capital: Montevideo


Total Population: 3,422,794
Natural Increase: -0.1%
Density: 20 Inhabitants/km²
Urban Population: 95.7%
Population of main cities: Montevideo (1,304,700); Salto (104,100); Ciudad de la Costa (95,200); Paysandu (76,500); Las Piedras (71,300); Rivera (64,500); Maldonado (62,600); Tacuarembó (54,800); Melo (51,900)
Ethnic Origins: The Uruguayan population is mainly from a European background (nearly 88%), originally from Spanish and Italian immigration, but there are also about 5% of Afro-descendants and 2% of indigenous origin. The remaining 5% are either of another origin (mainly Asian) or did not answer this question in the census. (National Institute of Statistics of Uruguay)
Official Language: Spanish 
Other Languages Spoken: 94% of the citizens speak only Spanish. Therefore, Spanish is the common language used in politics and in cultural and economic fields. English is used occasionally in commercial activities. Other languages, such as French, Portuguese or German are not used very often.
Business Language(s): Spanish, English
Religion: Catholic 66%, Jewish 2%, Protestant 2%, Other 30%.
Literacy Rate: 98.0%

Local Time:

It is %T:%M %A In Montevideo

Exchange Rate on :

National Currency: Uruguayan Peso (UYU)

Country Overview

Area: 176,220 km²
Type of State: The Oriental Republic of Uruguay is a constitutional republic based on parliamentary democracy with a strong presidential form of government.
Type of Economy: Upper-middle-income economy.
An economy marked by agriculture, the agri-food industry and tourism. Advanced education and social security systems.
HDI*: 0.793/1
HDI (World Rank): 52/188

Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which Synthesizes Several Data Such as Life Expectancy, Level of Education, Professional Careers, Access to Culture etc.


Telephone Code:
To call from Uruguay, dial 00
To call Uruguay, dial +598
Internet Suffix: .uy
Computers: 13.6 per 100 Inhabitants
Telephone Lines: 29.8 per 100 Inhabitants
Internet Users: 55.1 per 100 Inhabitants
Access to Electricity: 99.5% of the Population

Foreign Trade in Figures

Foreign Trade Indicators 20192020202120222023
Imports of Goods (million USD) 8,2467,56410,32012,97312,486
Exports of Goods (million USD) 7,6806,8649,53511,1849,193
Imports of Services (million USD) 4,7513,5283,9235,4516,021
Exports of Services (million USD) 5,3573,7293,7465,4736,397

Source: WTO – World Trade Organisation, Latest data available.


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