Togo flag Togo: Buying and Selling

E-commerce in Togo


Internet access

According to the Digital 2019 report for Togo by Hootsuite and WeAreSocial, out of a population of 8 million people, only 12% have access to the internet.
In the country there are around 6.7 million mobile subscriptions (but only 910,000 have a mobile internet subscription). 8.3% of the population are active social media users (670,000), of which 610,000 are mobile social media users.
Facebook is by far the most used social network, with 650,000 users, with much lower figures for the other platforms: LinkedIn (150,000), Instagram (74,000), and Twitter (14,400). According to the
Mobile Connectivity Index, Togo has an overall index score of 32 out of a maximum of 100.
There are generally no restrictions on access to the internet in the country, although in 2017 the government cut off the internet in response to protests against the president.
The most popular web search engines in Madagascar are Google (95.6%), Bing and Yahoo (2.6% and 1.6%, respectively).

E-commerce market
E-commerce in Togo is still in its infancy. Although there are no official figures about the market size, according to the Digital 2019 report only 1.7% of the population made online purchases, while a mere 1% has a credit card. Nevertheless, according to the UNCTAD, 45% of the population over 15 years old have an account with a financial institution or a mobile money account making the west African country one of the countries with higher financial inclusion.
IT infrastructures are still weak (though good for regional standards), and the delivery of goods is made more complicated by the quality of roads (especially outside the capital Lomé).
UNCTAD's 2018 Business-to-Consumer E-commerce Index ranked Togo 21st in Africa and 121st worldwide.
In order to improve the situation, in 2018 the Togolese ministry of trade and private sector, UNCTAD and German cooperation GIZS carried on a study to evaluate the Togo's performance in seven areas: digital infrastructures, logistics (delivery), online payment, legal and regulatory framework, reinforcement of financing and capacities. A strategic document for e-commerce should result from the process, to be used as a guideline for government policies.
Some of the main e-commerce websites are Miaplenou, Assigame, Assihub, Boenli, Lomé Shopping, and Tchacs.

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