Senegal flag Senegal: Buying and Selling

E-commerce in Senegal


Internet access
As of December 2017, Senegal had a population of 16.29 million people, out of which 9.75 million were Internet users, placing the penetration rate at 59.8 % (Internet Live Stats). There were 16.18 million mobile subscriptions in the country in 2017. Smartphones are the most popular device to access the Internet, as 88.6% of Internet users in Senegal navigate the web through their smartphones (APA News). Senegal had a 15% smartphone penetration in 2017, with Samsung phone devices occupying 7 out of the 10 most popular smartphones used in the country (Tech Weez). The mobile market has prospered partly due to poor fixed-line infrastructure in some rural areas. However, even though there are still infrastructure problems in the country, the government is investing in technological improvement. In 2017, the country's first Internet exchange point, SENIX, was launched in Dakar. The infrastructure has allowed a direct exchange of internet traffic between providers and has also reduced the cost of access for consumers. It has quickly become a symbol of Senegal’s digital independence and economic development. According to Lonely Planet, free wi-fi is generally available throughout the country's urban areas. The most popular browsers in the country by market share as of July 2018 were Chrome (71.16%), followed by Safari (7.58%), Firefox (6.52%), Samsung Internet (3.61%), Android (3.39%), and Opera (2.77%). As for search engines, Google dominated the market (91.33%), followed by Bing (5.01%), Yahoo (2.49%) and MSN (0.62%).
E-commerce market
There is no official data on e-commerce value and revenue in Senegal. However, it is known that the ICT sector contributes to 2% of the Senegalese GDP (APA News). According to a UNCTAD report, Senegal was one of the top 10 economies in B2C e-commerce in Africa in 2016. There are approximately 60 e-commerce websites in Senegal focused on electronic payment methods, logistics, and delivery services (ICTSD). Under the Government's Digital Senegal 2016-2025 plan, e-commerce is being strengthened by updating its legal framework, setting up conditions for mutual operations between electronic financial services, supporting the creation of e-commerce websites for local products, and offering the possibility of electronic payment. The plan also aims to promote the economic and social empowerment of women through e-commerce, with intended utilisation rates for the rural female population of 33% by 2025. Given that Senegal benefits from political stability and efficient institutions, it attracts more foreign investment that its neighbours. However, the growth of e-commerce is a long way from reaching the sector’s full potential. Current obstacles include difficult customs laws, few international electronic payment options and a particular lack of trust between consumers and sellers. Some of the main e-commerce websites in the country are the foreign ones which sell imported products, like, CDiscount, and

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