Norway flag Norway: Buying and Selling

Advertising and marketing in Norway

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Consumer Profile
The Norwegian population is ageing. The median age is 40.1 years and the population growth rate is 0.8% in 2022 (Data Reportal). According to the latest data by the World Bank, 17% of the population is under 14 years old and 18% is over 64 years old. On average, a household consists of 2.12 people with 40.4% of households are people living alone, and 19.11% are couples with children (2022 figures from Statistics Norway). The size of the household decreases from year to year. Women are 49.4% of the total population. About 83.7% of the population lives in urban areas while the south has a denser population due to the better climate and connectivity with Europe. Areas of concentration  exist along the North Sea and at Skaggerak. The main cities are Oslo, Bergen and Trondheim. The level of education is very high in Norway with 82% of adults aged 25 to 64 have a secondary education, higher than the OECD average of 79%. Norwegians can expect to go through 18.4 years of education between the ages of 5 and 39, similar to the OECD average of 18 years. Some 67% of the working population works in the private sector and public enterprises, 20% work in municipal government, and 12% in central government (Statistics Norway, 2022). The sectors that employ the most are health, social, sales, construction, industry and education.
Purchasing Power
The GDP per capita PPP is approximately USD 79,201.2 (World Bank, 2021). Norwegians earn USD 55, 780 per year on average, more than the OECD average of USD 49,165. The purchasing power of Norwegians, which is among the highest in Europe, is slightly down, as the rise in wages has not offset inflation. Norway’s Purchasing Power Parity per GDP per capita index value was 163 points for 2021. This value has an average of 100 points in European countries, showing that Norway is ahead of them. In Norway, the average household net adjusted disposable income per capita is USD 39,144 a year, higher than the OECD average of USD 30,490. Norway is ranked second in terms of actual individual consumption per capita in Europe. Norway consumption level is 25% above the EU average. Norway managed to escape the worst economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 as the country’s response to the pandemic was more moderate than what was seen in most European countries. For this reason consumption levels, although lower, are not expected to fall sharply. The Gini index is relatively low but income inequality is increasing. According to OECD data, the gender pay gap was 4.6% in 2021, lower than the OECD average of 11.7%. Norway is the third most gender-equal country in the world (84.5%), according to the Global Gender Gap Report 2022. The trades that have the highest wages are managers while the intermediary professions, salesmen and farmers have the lowest wages.
Consumer Behaviour
Norway is a consumer society especially drawn to new products (new technologies). Consumers generally are willing to pay more for quality goods. Value for money matters more than low prices. Many consumers research products before buying them in stores or online. E-commerce in Norway generated revenues worth USD 7.9 billion in 2021 (ecommerceDB). The country currently has an internet penetration rate of 99% which equates to 5.43 million people (Data Reportal, 2022). Of those, 89% are online shoppers, spending an average of EUR 2,522 a year. In Norway, the most popular product category is formed by clothing and shoes. This is followed by consumer electronics and media, sports & leisure, beauty & health, furniture, and groceries and baby & toys. Consumers find both domestic and foreign products appealing. About 40% of internet purchases are products from another country (mainly China, the United States, Sweden and Germany).

Consumers are generally loyal to national brands. Online, however, more than half say they are not loyal to the seller. Social networks are used as a source of information and Facebook is becoming increasingly saturated. In Norway, Sweden and Finland, about two thirds of the population shows concern about the use of personal data by companies.

Norwegians are gradually adopting a more environmentally friendly mode of consumption. In particular, expenditure on food has decreased. Fruit and vegetable consumption is up, while meat and fish consumption is decreasing. Organic food consumption increased by 8% in 2019 and in 2020, the number of companies producing, processing and selling organic products increased by 3.73% (Organic Trade Board). Infant and child products are the most eco-labelled followed by dairy products. The second-hand market is booming, especially on the internet, for economic and ecological reasons. In 2020, the retail of second-hand goods in Norway generated a total turnover of NOK 645 million (Statista). As of 2018 (latest data available), second-hand online retail sites were used by 64% of Norwegian internet users. The products traded are furniture, followed by electronic and electrical appliances , recreational and leisure products. Norwegians generally have a positive opinion on the collaborative economy and believe that this benefits the consumer.
Consumers Associations
Forbrukerradet , National Consumer Advice
Forbrukertilsynet , Consumer Authority
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