Norway: Business Environment
Type of property and law | Validity | International Agreements Signed |
Patent Patents Act (Act No. 9 of December 15, 1967) (consolidated version of 2016) |
20 years |
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) |
Trademark Trademarks Act (Act No. 8 of March 26, 2010) (consolidated version of 2015) |
10 years. A trademark can be renewed for another 10 years for an unlimited number of times. |
Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks |
Design Designs Act (Act No. 15 of March 14, 2003, relating to Design Protection) (consolidated version of 2015) |
5 years, renewable four times, for 5-year periods, for up to 25 years | |
Copyright Copyright Act (Act No. 2 of May 12, 1961, relating to Copyright in Literary, Scientific and Artistic Works) (consolidated version of 2015) |
70 years, but varies depending on the type of product |
Berne convention For the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms Rome ConventionFor the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations WIPO Copyright Treaty WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty |
Industrial Models Act No. 25 of May 31, 2013, amending Legislation on the Protection of Industrial Property Rights, etc. (Extract) (2013) |
5 years, renewable four times, for 5-year periods, for up to 25 years |
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