Capital: Amsterdam
Total Population:
Natural Increase:
521 Inhabitants/km²
Urban Population:
Population of main metropolitan areas:
Amsterdam (1,114,800); Rotterdam (829,900); The Hague (803,900); Utrecht (382,600); Eindhoven (298,800); Leiden (270,300); Dordrecht (221,300); Groningen (213,700); Tilburg (213,100); Haarlem (204,600)
Ethnic Origins:
The population is comprised of over 76% of people of Dutch origin, around 9% of other Western origin and around 15% of Non-Western descent (Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese, etc.).
(Statistics Netherlands).
Official Language:
Official languages: Dutch and Frisian.
Other Languages Spoken:
Commercial languages: English, German and Spanish. In the Netherlands, the official language is Dutch. However, it is important to note the growing use of English, German and Spanish in business.
Business Language(s):
The majority of the population speaks English, which is the most used language in trade.
Roman Catholic 28%, Protestants 19%, Muslim 5%, other 6%, none 42% (2015).
Local Time:
It is %T:%M %A In Amsterdam, Rotterdam
Exchange Rate on
National Currency: Euro (EUR)
Country Overview
41,540 km²
Type of State:
The Netherlands are a constitutional monarchy based on parliamentary democracy.
Type of Economy:
High-income economy, OECD member.
An economy which is heavily based on foreign trade; third largest world exporter of agricultural and market gardening products.
HDI (World Rank):
Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which Synthesizes Several Data Such as Life Expectancy, Level of Education, Professional Careers, Access to Culture etc.
Telephone Code:
To call from the Netherlands, dial 00
To call the Netherlands, dial +31
Internet Suffix:
91.2 per 100 Inhabitants
Telephone Lines:
42.4 per 100 Inhabitants
Internet Users:
93.0 per 100 Inhabitants
Access to Electricity:
100% of the Population
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Latest Update: February 2025