flag Guatemala Guatemala: Statistical Overview

Capital: Guatemala


Total Population: 17,357,886
Natural Increase: 1.4%
Density: 160 Inhabitants/km²
Urban Population: 52.7%
Population of main cities: Guatemala City (923,400); Mixco (463,100); Villa Nueva (426,400); Cobán (212,100); Quetzaltenango (180,700); Jalapa (159,900); Escuintla (156,400); San Juan Sacatepéquez (156,000); Jutiapa (145,900); Petapa (129,200)
Ethnic Origins: About 50% of Guatemalans are of mixed Amerindian origin, around 6% of European origin and the remaining 44% are of indigenous origin (mainly K'iche, Kaqchikel, Mam, Q'eqch and other Mayan peoples). (National Institute of Statistics of Guatemala)
Official Language: Spanish
Other Languages Spoken: There are 22 dialects in Guatemala amongst them are the Quiche, the Kakchiquel, the Quekchi, the Mam, the Garifuna as well as the Xinka.
Business Language(s): Spanish and English.
Religion: Catholics 74.8%, Protestants 24.5%, Others 0.7%.
Catholicism remains the main religion. However, since the 80s, Protestant sects have made their appearance. 75% of them are Pentecosts. They enjoy great popularity and in some villages, they have managed to split the Indian community. The Maya religion, based on nature, is resisting as much as possible to this invasion. Thus, the Maximón is still venerated in Santiago Atitlán and San Simón in Zunil.
Literacy Rate: 69.1%

Local Time:

It is %T:%M %A In Guatemala

Exchange Rate on :

National Currency: Guatemala Quetzal (GTQ)

Country Overview

Area: 108,890 km²
Type of State: Republic based on a constitutional democracy.
Type of Economy: Middle-income (lower bracket) economy country. Developing country..
Economy based on agriculture; manufactured goods and construction.
HDI*: 0.627/1
HDI (World Rank): 128/188

Note: (*) The HDI, Human Development Index, is an Indicator Which Synthesizes Several Data Such as Life Expectancy, Level of Education, Professional Careers, Access to Culture etc.


Telephone Code:
To call from Guatemala, dial 00
To call Guatemala, dial +502
Internet Suffix: .gt
Telephone Lines: 11.5 per 100 Inhabitants
Internet Users: 16.0 per 100 Inhabitants
Access to Electricity: 78.5% of the Population

Foreign Trade in Figures

Foreign Trade Indicators 20192020202120222023
Imports of Goods (million USD) 19,88218,20526,60732,11630,318
Exports of Goods (million USD) 11,17511,52113,75315,69514,199
Imports of Services (million USD) 3,6412,8264,0545,4150
Exports of Services (million USD) 3,6792,5862,8853,8610

Source: WTO – World Trade Organisation, Latest data available.


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