Investment framework and opportunities in Brazil
Procedures Relative to Foreign Investment
- Freedom of Establishment
- Acquisition of Holdings
The investment regime in Brazil is liberal, allowing foreign investors to have a majority share in the creation of their company.
- Obligation to Declare
The Agency for the Promotion of Foreign Investment gives information about the authorisations necessary for setting up. All foreign investors are obliged to appoint a representative in Brazil who, together with the representative of the company receiving the foreign direct investment, will be in charge of registering the operation with the Central Bank of Brazil's Foreign Direct Investment module (RDE-IED) in accordance with the instructions set out on the Central Bank's website.
- Competent Organisation For the Declaration
Central Bank of Brazil
- Requests For Specific Authorisations
Foreign investment is restricted and requires special authorisation in the following activities: mineral resource prospecting and mining in border areas, telecommunications, broadcasting companies and healthcare.
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