Argentina flag Argentina: Buying and Selling

The distribution network in Argentina

Evolution of the Sector
Argentina is the second-largest economy in South America in terms of nominal GDP, with 46.2 million inhabitants in 2022 (INDEC), and a GDP per capita (PPP) estimated at 20,770 USD in 2020 (World Bank, latest data available).
According to INDEC, in 2021 supermarkets recorded a 1.5% increase in sales (constant prices), as a consequence of continued urbanisation of the population (92.3% in 2022, according to CIA's Factbook). During the first two months of 2022, sales increased by 5.4% year-on-year.
Argentina's retail formats under 500 m2 perform slightly better that the larger ones.
In recent years, nearly all retail formats have been increasing in number: supermarkets, wholesalers, traditional grocery stores, and shopping malls. However, the Argentinian retail market continues to face certain challenges such as high operating costs, inflation, bureaucratic barriers, and high taxes. Furthermore, the supermarkets channel has been affected by the economic recession, resulting in the closure of branches. As a response to consumption contraction and the decrease in consumers' purchasing power, bigger chains have been further developing private labels, which is expected to boost their sales, especially for food products.
Market share
A significant number of consumers prefer hyper and supermarkets, as they find them more convenient in terms of time passed on shopping and prices. During the last couple of years, traditional stores have continued to lose market shares to hyper and supermarkets as a consequence of their highly competitive prices and discounts.
Hypermarkets, superstores, and warehouse stores account for approximately a third of the Food and Beverage market (which accounts for more than 70% of total sales) (Ambito). The sector is very concentrated, with six chains representing 80% of the market. The main leaders are Carrefour, Cencosud (Disco, Jumbo and Vea),
Coto Supermarkets, Walmart (Chango Más), La Anonima and Dia (iProfesional).
Retail Sector Organisations
Camara Argentina de Supermercados
Argentinian Confederation of Medium-Sized Enterprises (CAME)

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