Angola flag Angola: Buying and Selling

Arrange transport of goods to and from Angola

Main Useful Means of Transport
Due to inadequate and poor infrastructure, land transport of goods is long, expensive and difficult. Goods arriving at the ports of Luanda and Lobito are distributed along the coast, but they only rarely reach inland. The rail network was badly damaged by the war and only works on very short segments. However, major investments are currently being made ​​to rehabilitate the country's infrastructure.
4 de Fevereiro International Airport (Luanda)
Mukanka International Airport (Lubango)
Catumbela International Airport (Benguela)
Sea Transport Organisations
Instituto Marítimo e Portuário de Angola, Ministério dos Transportes
Air Transport Organisations
Instituto Nacional da Aviação Civil, Ministério dos Transportes
Empresa Nacional de Exploração de Aeroportos e Navegação Aérea (ENANA)
Road Transport Organisations
Direcção Nacional dos Transportes Rodiviários, Ministério dos Transportes
Rail Transport Organisations
Ministério dos Transportes
Caminhos de Ferro de Luanda

Caminhos de Ferro de Benguela
Caminhos de Ferro de Moçamedes

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