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Work conditions in Algeria

The Active Population in Figures

Labour Force 12,589,36412,716,54812,231,916

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database

Total activity rate 46.39%46.41%46.37%
Men activity rate 73.12%73.40%73.59%
Women activity rate 19.19%18.95%18.70%

Source: International Labour Organization, ILOSTAT database


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Working Conditions

Legal Weekly Duration
40 hours
Retirement Age
60; may be reduced for 'strenuous professions'
Working Contracts
Work contracts are governed by law. Collective agreements and individual negotiation supplement it.
Labour Laws
Consult Doing Business Website, to obtain a summary of the labor regulations that apply to local entreprises.

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Cost of Labour

Minimum Wage
The minimum wage ("salaire national minimum garanti" - SNMG) is DZD 20,000 per month (effective from June 1, 2020; official government source)
Average Wage
Average monthly gross earnings is around DZD 41,800 in 2019 according to the National Office of Statistics (latest data available). It is estimated at around DZD 41,000 (EUR 205) in 2020 (Dzair Daily).
The International Labour Organisation does not provide any data.
Social Contributions
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employers: 26% of the gross salary is payed by the employer in monthly contribution (while the employee contributes 9%).
Social Security Contributions Paid By Employees: 9% monthly withholding tax.

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Social Partners

Employer Associations
CEIMI - Entrepreneurs & Industrialists of the Mitidja Club
CACI - Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Social Dialogue and Involvement of Social Partners
In Algeria there is one predominant union: the UGTA, General Union of Algerian Workers
Labour Unions
Labour Regulation Bodies
Ministry of Labor and National Solidarity

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